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Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-02-07 17:07:04
Re:Signal wifi ok mais pas de connexion internet
I can't find the French version to download the new firmware... do you have to pass the ip address?
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-02-07 16:45:44
Re:Signal wifi ok mais pas de connexion internet
@Andrsouzaaa here is the version I noted the links to download the new version but how to install it?
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-02-07 09:55:20
Re:Signal wifi ok mais pas de connexion internet
@Andrsouzaaa how to know?
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-02-05 12:07:43
Re:Signal wifi ok mais pas de connexion internet
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-02-05 11:42:48
Re:Signal wifi ok mais pas de connexion internet
@Andrsouzaaa thank you for your reply. where can i find the version? It worked for a while but it doesn't work anymore. I am waiting for the connection it tells me that I am connected but that there...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-02-04 16:58:24
Signal wifi ok mais pas de connexion internet
Hello I have a RE455 I managed to detect the wifi networks of my house (2.4ghz and 5ghz). I managed to extend my signals and place the repeater in the best location. However when I connect to the...