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Forums/ Deco
2022-03-24 15:32:09
Re:Deco M4 - speed capped at 100Mbps
@David-TP So upon switching to the spare cat6 cable I had laying around it seems to have stabilized for now! Thanks for the suggestion. Just a bit odd because previously the cable had been used just...
Forums/ Deco
2022-03-24 07:55:23
Re:Deco M4 - speed capped at 100Mbps
@David-TP Hi thank you for your response. I will try as suggested and will reply via the email I received. Regards.
Forums/ Deco
2022-03-23 18:02:47
Re:Deco M4 - speed capped at 100Mbps
@TP-Link I have the same exact issue as @Malice on page 2. My main node is connected to the ISP router with one satellite connected just a little further away. It is running in Access Point mode. I...