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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-04-06 17:38:39
Re:AC1350 ignoring local DNS settings (pi-hole)
@d553 Thanks! It's working now. (Or at least I'm at the pihole problem level, no longer router) I think I was causing multiple problems. My 192.168.x.x dhcp space meant that I was handing out...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-04-06 16:31:28
Re:AC1350 ignoring local DNS settings (pi-hole)
@terziyski I think when I set up the router I wanted to have 192.0.x.x and 192.1.x.x have meanings. That's why my pihole's at instead of My LAN settings are IP address...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-04-06 15:54:16
Re:AC1350 ignoring local DNS settings (pi-hole)
@terziyski Originally I had nothing set for the secondary: I'll try setting it to the pihole, too.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-04-06 13:53:04
Re:AC1350 ignoring local DNS settings (pi-hole)
- No recent update (and the "Check for Update" says "Your firmware is up to date") - I've got a Win10 machine that gets IP by DHCP and a linux machine that gets a static assignment via "Address...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-04-05 14:24:11
AC1350 ignoring local DNS settings (pi-hole)
I'm having the exact problem described here. I restarted the router and my local DNS server is still being ignored. I don't remember changing any router settings and I've been using this set up for a...