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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-05-01 03:32:30
Re:Archer AX3000/AX50 Port 80 is Not Forwarded (Virtual Server)
@terziyski Actually, yes, but only now I can see - the problem was on the side of the ISP and the modem works fine. When I opened PUBLIC url on WiFi of the ISP, the page opened (on the port 80). Only...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-04-30 06:50:55
Archer AX3000/AX50 Port 80 is Not Forwarded (Virtual Server)
Hi, I'm trying to host a web server on a Raspberry Pi 4 but without luck on the following modem: Archer AX3000, 1.0.11 Build 20210730 rel.54485(4555) I've changed the remote access port in the...