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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-05-30 17:07:32
Re:Routers Supporting VPN Client
@LukaszM Hi. The problem as you said is during netflix streaming. It looks like there is something that webOS doesnt like. Im loking to find another device running on webOS to test it further. I...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-05-29 16:01:52
Re:Routers Supporting VPN Client
Hey guys. Just to update. VPN feature work perfect on almost all devices. I really like the ootion of enabling/disabling the specific node. Very happy with the feature and thabks again! I have a...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-05-18 21:50:10
Re:Routers Supporting VPN Client
@Kevin_Z First of all, thank you guys very much for making this solution! And i'm telling you, this kind of dedication earned my trust to a level that i will never ever use any of your competitor's...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-05-14 02:13:04
Re:Routers Supporting VPN Client
@Kevin_Z Good evening, Thanks for keeping the track of this. I've tried to download the new FW but unfortunately the link is inactive. The only active link i can see is for AX6000. Is this the one...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-05-05 12:36:38
Re:Routers Supporting VPN Client
@Kevin_Z Good morning. I appreciate the effort and hope to hear back from you and your team :) Thanka for all you guys do!
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-05-01 06:53:59
Re:Routers Supporting VPN Client
@Kevin_Z Good evening and thanks for putting time and effort in this. I'm trying to install the beta FW, but unfortunately the upgrade is not going through. The error i'm getting is "Unable to...