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Forums/ Deco
2022-05-19 04:46:27
Re:Deco M4 Speed capped when using a switch/AP
@David-TP I've tested speeds using 4 different ethernet cables. Everytime I go from M4 directly to PC I get 900/450, everytime I go from M4 to switch/ethernet I get capped at 100mbps Over Wi-Fi I...
Forums/ Deco
2022-05-17 03:54:15
Re:Deco M4 Speed capped when using a switch/AP
@David-TP Hey, Have not used Deco in AP mode as do not currently have another router handy. (Shortage of decent routers where I am located) Would using another DHCP router and Ethernet backhaul in AP...
Forums/ Deco
2022-05-17 02:16:06
Deco M4 Speed capped when using a switch/AP
When running ookla speed test from main Deco to PC get 900mbps upload and 480 download mbps, when plugging in to TP-Link SG108 or NetGear Nighthawk (in AP mode) speed is capped at 100mbps. Associated...