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Forums/ Deco
2022-05-19 16:02:42
Re:X60 Deco restarts every day
@David-TP Thank you for the fast reply I get the logs by entering the IP adress of living room Deco into a browser and the log in and the fetch the system log I have now moved the living_room Deco...
Forums/ Deco
2022-05-18 05:34:46
Re:X60 Deco restarts every day
@David-TP Thank you and thanks for the fast reply. The logs that I have copied into my messages are from the living-Room Deco. (you get these logs from the Deco by its web-interface) What I mean is...
Forums/ Deco
2022-05-17 11:59:39
X60 Deco restarts every day
Dear TP-link, I'm the owner of 4 pcs. of DECO X60 living_room X60(3.0) 1.0.9 Build 20211228 Rel. 55234 Peter’s Kontor X60(2.0) 1.5.1 Build 20210204 Rel. 50164 hallway X60(2.0) 1.5.1 Build 20210204...