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Forums/ Deco
2022-06-01 06:22:02
Re:How to set up Deco M5
@Alexandre. Thank you :)
Forums/ Deco
2022-05-31 19:09:25
Re:How to set up Deco M5
@Alexandre. Thank you for your help, how will I know which one is the main Deco, will this be clear from when I complete the set up? Is it easy to turn the Wi-Fi off on my router? I have no idea how...
Forums/ Deco
2022-05-30 09:46:43
Re:How to set up Deco M5
@Philbert Great, that makes sense, thanks again! Chris
Forums/ Deco
2022-05-30 09:10:05
Re:How to set up Deco M5
@Philbert Hi Philbert That's brilliant, thank you so much! So now I just follow the instruction on the app for initial set up and do what that tells me, and once complete move the deco's where I want...
Forums/ Deco
2022-05-30 08:30:28
Re:How to set up Deco M5
Thanks @Philbert would it be possible to set it up as per the bottom diagram? That way I could just plug a deco into 3 rooms as required? Or do I use the top diagram with a deco between the router...
Forums/ Deco
2022-05-29 21:02:45
How to set up Deco M5
Hi there, to start with I should point I’m not overly technical when it comes to this sort of thing. I bought the deco M5 system (3 decos) last August and much to my wife’s annoyance I haven’t got...