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Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-06-17 17:47:52
Re:TL-WA855RE used to extend range of MR200 (3G/4G router mode)
@terziyski terziyski wrote @kanenas If the WPS method doesn't work for you, try another one - with a computer web browser or the Tether app. Tried both of them but still nothing works. thanks anyways.
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-06-17 13:46:05
Re:TL-WA855RE used to extend range of MR200 (3G/4G router mode)
terziyski wrote @kanenas Here's a video guide on how to install the RE. Here's a guide on how to place the RE for optimal reception and preformance. @terziyski Thanks for the response. I am trying to...
Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
2022-06-17 08:19:42
Re:Extend range of MR200 3G/4G router mode
@Sunshine Sunshine wrote @kanenas Hi,do you mean extending WiFi range? if so, yes, you could purchase a WiFi range extender to connect the existing router thanks for the response. actually, I bought...
Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
2022-06-16 14:43:58
Extend range of MR200 3G/4G router mode
Hi, I have an MR200 3G/4G router mode, do you know how I could extend its range? Can I use a wifi extender? Or something else?
Forums/ Range Extenders
2022-06-16 14:39:43
TL-WA855RE used to extend range of MR200 (3G/4G router mode)
Hi, I have an Archer MR200 3G/4G router which operates without any issues and can connect to the internet. Now, I am trying to use the TL-WA855RE as a wifi extender of the MR200 router, but it does...