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Forums/ Controllers
2 weeks ago
Re:Issue with IPGroup ACL
@Hank21 as I shared earlier, I had ER605 V1 earlier only, it had 1.3.1. firmware, with exactly the same issue. Recently its replaced with ER7212PC V1 running on 1.2.0 Build 20240716 Rel.80083. For...
Forums/ Controllers
3 weeks ago
Re:Issue with IPGroup ACL
@Hank21 sorry for the confusing explanation. The essence is, that the issue is still there, means, if I set up a time schedule based ACL to a subgroup (/28) of a complete /24 VLAN, whenever the ACL...
Forums/ Controllers
3 weeks ago
Re:Issue with IPGroup ACL
@Hank21 sorry for the late update, but it took some time to test it carefully. So, it seems, the core issue is still there even after installing the 1.2.0 firmware to the router. When the scheduled...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-08-01 13:20:06
Re:Issue with IPGroup ACL
@Hank21, I have installed the 1.2.0 firmware and the first impression is very good. I need some more time to test it fully, but its promising :) Thanks You very much for the help! regards gZoma
Forums/ Controllers
2024-07-27 08:10:10
Re:Issue with IPGroup ACL
@Hank21 Thank You very much for the confirmation! The link, what You provided, does not work for me, but found another link here Assume, it is about the same. Usually I do NOT install any beta...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-07-23 18:17:26
Re:Issue with IPGroup ACL
@Hank21 sorry for the confusion, the ER605 is only V1, running on firmware 1.3.1. and the ER7212PC is as well "only" V1.0, running on 1.1.4 But this is definintely a good news, that this...