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Forums/ Deco
2023-06-24 17:28:35
Re:XE75 not resolving local hostnames
Oddly, I've found the answer using Google's Bard! Bard tells me that the Deco XE75 does not act as a DNS server. It merely passes all DNS requests on to the primary and/or secondary DNS servers that...
Forums/ Deco
2023-06-21 12:18:12
Re:XE75 not resolving local hostnames
@Heidi_Alp Sorry, I don't follow? I'm talking about host names on my local network. Remote name servers won't have that information. That should be provided by the Deco. It does list the host names...
Forums/ Deco
2023-06-20 15:25:28
XE75 not resolving local hostnames
None of the hosts on my home network can resolve any local hostname via the Deco XE75. I have services running locally that use host names and these fail now due to the XE75 not resolving any of the...