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Forums/ Routers
2023-01-11 11:52:33
Re:ER605 L2TP VPN is very slow, any advice?
@Somnus Yeah, I am absolutely sure that I'm getting 120 megabits, not megabytes.
Forums/ Routers
2023-01-10 16:49:17
Re:ER605 L2TP VPN is very slow, any advice?
@KimcheeGUN I guess, but in the ER605 specs it says that Unencrypted L2TP can reach 864.65 Mbps, that's why I'm wondering.
Forums/ Routers
2023-01-10 14:49:28
ER605 L2TP VPN is very slow, any advice?
Hi! I recently installed an ER605 router at the office. Replaced my current modem with it, everything is working fine. Getting around 900mbps, which is my connection speed. I did setup an L2TP VPN to...