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Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-24 07:08:01
Re:Can't bind controller to cloud
@d0ugmac1 Yes - I can log in to Omada Cloud with this e-mail via website, where I can see my OC200 correctly bind to cloud:
Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-23 11:14:56
Re:Can't bind controller to cloud
@d0ugmac1 Unfortunately, using the mobile Internet, I will not have access to devices in the local network.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-22 19:17:58
Re:Can't bind controller to cloud
@d0ugmac1 and this is the error from mobile app, very wierd:
Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-22 13:36:51
Re:Can't bind controller to cloud
@d0ugmac1 Yes. I have correctly bind to cloud services another Omada Controller OC200 5.7.6. The problem is only in the docker instance. Should I firstly unbind my OC200?
Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-22 08:06:05
Re:Can't bind controller to cloud
@d0ugmac1 I also use host network:
Forums/ Controllers
2023-03-21 20:57:57
Can't bind controller to cloud
Hello, I have a problem to bind my controller (docker on Synology NAS, version 5.9.9) to cloud. SMTP server is configured correctly - I can send test mail. Mail alerts also is enabled. My error is:...