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Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-18 07:54:01
Re:Android App - Missing icon for TL-SG3428MP
@Loycelover- Hi App Version is V4.11.10 Image attached, bottom Switch is the issue.
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-17 14:30:01
Android App - Missing icon for TL-SG3428MP
Hello, in the Omada Application for Android the Icon for my TL-SG3428MP is missing and showing up as the Square with the 3x dots. This is not however true in the Software SDN controller. I also have...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-10-17 14:25:07
ER605 LAN LAG/LACP support
Hi, Alongside the other requests for LAN LAG/LACP support on the other business style router/gateways please could LAN LAG/LACP support be considered for the ER605 models? Especially as there is upto...