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Forums/ Deco
2023-08-21 06:38:37
Re:DHCP randomly hanging, then drops connections
@Ozymandias_EBON I'm not sure if my issue is the same regarding DHCP specifically but in last 4 days or so I have had to reboot 5-6 times my XE75 v1 on firmware 1.2.6 (and also 1.2.7 beta running for...
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-21 06:33:39
Re:Optimize Ethernet Connection on Deco
@David-TP I have been on firmware 1.2.6 on my XE75 v1 for some time and had been stable for a few weeks. Since last week (no changes made) we've had sudden wifi disconnects and it seems 1 by 1...
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-10 21:39:01
Re:Deco has temporarily switched your Wi-FI channel width to 80 MHz due to detected radar signals.
@JohnLawyer when you mean switch it off? Do you mean keep it on 80GHz instead of going back to 160 and then to 80 automatically? you can do that already.... I keep mine on 80GHz as the auto-switching...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-21 09:16:09
Re:Deco has temporarily switched your Wi-FI channel width to 80 MHz due to detected radar signals.
@IntrovertSins i experience the same, for the sake of stability but with less speed, i turn off auto switching so turn off auto switching and stick to 80MHz on 5GHz band. I agree that the auto...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-18 21:01:53
Re:Deco X60 public IP differs from reality
@ErnieBernie crossed fingers it stays stable for you!
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-17 21:14:00
Re:Deco XE75 serious lag after firmware update to v1.2.6
@benbeara I also have XE75 and firmware 1.2.6 Lag can mean a few things, so my issue might not be the same. But after this firmware I notice web pages take a while to load like a delay in the DNS...