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Forums/ Deco
2023-05-18 09:43:35
Re:XE75 V1 vs XE75 V2 - What's the difference?
@David-TP Thanks for the clarification.
Forums/ Deco
2023-05-17 13:15:17
XE75 V1 vs XE75 V2 - What's the difference?
Hi everyone I have the Deco XE75 V2 but was curious to know what the difference is from V1. Anyone know?
Forums/ Deco
2023-05-17 13:05:39
Re:Deco Setup - speed loss
@Alexandre. Since installing the firmware update my network map has changed as per the image below. Speeds also seem to have improved. Doing further tests at the weekend and will keep you posted.
Forums/ Deco
2023-05-16 15:28:29
Re:Deco Setup - speed loss
@Alexandre. Thanks for pointing this out. Unfortunalety my hardware version V2. That being said, there was a firmware version upgrade available which I have now installed as per the image below.
Forums/ Deco
2023-05-16 11:41:22
Re:Deco Setup - speed loss
@Alexandre. Great stuff. Let me try that and get back to you.
Forums/ Deco
2023-05-16 08:48:58
Re:Deco Setup - speed loss
@Alexandre. Thanks for your reply and apologies for the delay in responding. The distance from the hallway to attic is quite far so can understand that but the main bedroom and bedroom are 4 metres...