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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-21 04:14:28
Re:Can't forward UDP port 500 when other UDP ports work
@Sunshine I have just applied a new firmware from the TP-Link support engineers and it has fixed the problem. Thanks for everyone's help.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-20 07:12:27
Re:Can't forward UDP port 500 when other UDP ports work
@woozle Thanks for your investigation. After switching off the "IPSec Passthrough" option, the UDP port 500 does start forwarding. (I'm testing on public network now. Last time I tried, I was testing...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-19 17:39:32
Re:Can't forward UDP port 500 when other UDP ports work
@woozle I used the netcat command line tool to listen to the UDP ports in the VPN server then I sent messages to it via the ports to see if the VPN server can see the messages. The VPN server is a...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-06-19 15:54:58
Can't forward UDP port 500 when other UDP ports work
Hi I have a L2TP VPN server behind the router. UDP ports 4500 and 1701 can be forwarded to the VPN server but not the UDP port 500. I have tried Port Forwarding, UPnP and DMZ. I have enabled L2TP...