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Forums/ WiFi
2 weeks ago
Re:Tips on Lowering Rx Frames?
@Fae Alright, just checked the config and also added a few tweaks on my own, currently there are less staff today so we are still smooth, will report back when the config survives an entire week
Forums/ WiFi
2 weeks ago
Re:Tips on Lowering Rx Frames?
Hey! Sorry for replying so late, but ill try to modify more of the config, then see if there is any changes. Thanks
Forums/ WiFi
2024-06-07 06:39:41
Tips on Lowering Rx Frames?
Need help in lowering the amount of Rx frames in our office network. All APs are using the standard config (all on "Auto) with both 2.4 and 5 Ghz Radios turned on. Network holds 55 to 60 Users with 2...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-12-12 02:22:28
Re:EAP-660HD US Is Using Wireless Mode while Wired
@KJK The Setting is gone on the Forced Mesh one, the other EAPs show that the AP is Wired and that there is no Setting for Mesh Use
Forums/ WiFi
2023-06-30 02:50:45
Re:EAP-660HD US Is Using Wireless Mode while Wired
I can try that too, though hard resetting is trickier as its mounted directly to the ceiling so the cable is a bit inaccessible as it is unlabled in the switches as well
Forums/ WiFi
2023-06-29 08:36:09
Re:EAP-660HD US Is Using Wireless Mode while Wired
Thanks, ill try removing the Secondary for a bit longer this time, also tinker with the DHCP config while im there. Will post again with the results