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Forums/ Deco
2023-07-20 07:53:08
Re:Slow powerline backhaul
@Nahemoth I don’t think I can. Not in the app anyway, which is a shame because that would help with troubleshooting. When I switch on the Decos, the app always says they are connected via a...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-13 20:29:52
Re:Slow powerline backhaul
@David-TP Thank you for your reply. My mistake, I used to have two TL-PA4010kit units before upgrading to two TL-PA7010 units, at which point I could achieve close to gigabit powerline speeds from...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-08 21:43:05
Slow powerline backhaul
I have two PX50 units. Upstairs, I have a home server connected to the satellite PX50 via ethernet that can deliver gigabit speeds to a laptop connected over 5GHz wifi. Downstairs, I have a desktop...