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Forums/ Deco
2023-07-26 21:43:01
Re:Deco XE75 serious lag after firmware update to v1.2.6
@benbeara Update - 26 Jul 2023 After 24 hours since the downgrade to v1.2.2 and a full day of meetings via MS Teams, I can honestly say that firmware v1.2.2 resolved my issues with lag and stutter. I...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-25 21:10:37
Re:Deco XE75 serious lag after firmware update to v1.2.6
@IntrovertSins Major update - Resolution! Firstly, I'd like to thank @IntrovertSins for telling me where I could find v1.2.2 as it's not available on the Canadian TP-Link website. I downloaded it...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-25 01:40:42
Re:Deco XE75 serious lag after firmware update to v1.2.6
@IntrovertSins Thanks again for your continued suggestions. On the TP-Link support site for here in Canada, I only have access to three firmware versions available for Hardware version 1,...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-24 01:47:47
Re:Deco XE75 serious lag after firmware update to v1.2.6
@benbeara Just a quick update for those who are following this thread and are experiencing similar issues as me. Here are all the following things that I've tried so far: Toggle IPv6 settings and...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-22 19:25:09
Re:Deco XE75 serious lag after firmware update to v1.2.6
@IntrovertSins Thanks for the feedback. However, I cannot downgrade the firmware through the web interface as I get the following error message. Hence, I was hoping there was another way revert to a...
Forums/ Deco
2023-07-19 03:15:27
Re:Deco XE75 serious lag after firmware update to v1.2.6
@benbeara Update: July 18, 2023 Well, it's been 24 hours since the IPv6 toggle test so here is a quick update. The noticeable improvement (i.e., no lag) has not deteriorated but it now appears that...