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Forums/ Deco
2024-02-01 06:35:30
Re:Deco M5 looses internet connection
@Thirrony Just out of curiousity: why are you using ipv6 for your lan? Is ipv4 not enough? Do you have a stand alone dhcp server? (i never ran my decos in router mode, not sure what option are all...
Forums/ Deco
2024-01-31 21:42:42
Re:Deco M5 looses internet connection
@Thirrony In your switch video's I dont see anything wrong. Its intresting to see that there are still devices able to be pinged during a disconnect. Do all these happen to be connected to your main...
Forums/ Deco
2024-01-30 06:07:52
Re:Deco M5 looses internet connection
@Thirrony If still needed i will give a better answer tonight (it's now morning). 0. I would not advice this step. 1. Appearantly you dont have a main router besides the m5 decos. That makes this...
Forums/ Deco
2024-01-29 21:59:30
Re:Deco M5 looses internet connection
@Thirrony I feel the frustration Thirrony. Bought my 3x m5 in 2020. They have functioned perfect for years. And in the past months it turned downwards. Lots of disconnects. Tried everything i could...
Forums/ Deco
2023-09-25 16:29:52
Re:Deco M5 1.7.3
Successfully updated 3 deco's from 1.7.0 to 1.7.3 via the webinterface. One esp8266 on the attic still has dropouts. Ill keep monitoring for the rest.
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-23 21:16:28
Re:Deco M5 1.7.1
@David-TP Ive reverted back to firmware 1.6.1 via the recovery tool. I am still experiancing drops. Still mainly of the esp8266/esp32 devices. I factory reset all Deco's one by one. Network is on the...