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Forums/ Deco
2023-08-31 19:32:32
Re:X50 outdoor offline
It's the same with me. Firmware is 1.2.0
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-31 18:31:49
Re:Deco X50-Outdoor Won't Reliably Connect to the Mesh after 1.2.1 Firmware Upgrade
I installed this firmware. My X50 Outdoor continues to go offline in the app after a few days. It continues to work in real life. The logged-in devices are displayed as LAN in the main router
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-31 18:25:57
Re:X50 outdoor offline
@akapal My X50 Outdoor always goes offline after a few days. I have no idea what that is. The reception is good. However, it is only displayed as offline in the app. It works.