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Forums/ Deco
2023-09-15 21:56:35
Re:Deco parental control website block not working
Hi All: I am saying goodbye to tp-link~~~~~~ not sure if my feedback is going to get cancelled, banned, or removed..... What a bad timing!?!?! The none-working parental control issue happened right...
Forums/ Deco
2023-09-05 07:07:04
Re:Deco parental control website block not working
Thanks @David-TP for replying~~~ I was wondering if we are looking at days, weeks, or months for the fix? I am not asking you guys to commit on the date for the fix. But, just like to know a rough...
Forums/ Deco
2023-09-01 06:56:14
Re:Deco parental control website block not working
I also have Deco M5.... Parental controls had been working just fine until I updated to the latest firmware version 1.7.1 .... nothing is blocked no more. I could even use kid's device to search and...