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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-09-04 08:21:33
Re:EasyMesh Routers Support Building a EasyMesh Network via Ethernet Backhaul NOW
@Kevin_Z Can you paste the link to a page which clearly states, which models support Ethernet backhaul for EasyMesh? Honestly, it is quite frustrating. One of the main reason for the purchase of this...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-09-01 14:43:40
Re:EasyMesh Routers Support Building a EasyMesh Network via Ethernet Backhaul NOW
@Kevin_Z I have Archer AX 10: Firmware Version: 1.3.9 Build 20230728 Rel. 45716(5553) Hardware Version: Archer AX10 v2.0 Do you have an early release firmware that supports EasyMesh Ethernet Backhaul...