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Forums/ Deco
2023-10-01 11:53:46
Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding Signal Selection and VPN for Multiple Models
@JaapHoutman Thanks! That's unfortunate. But Finally managed to make it work trough some jank. 1. Wrapped my main unit in aluminium-foil so signal strength drops and there's no way it reaches my...
Forums/ Deco
2023-10-01 11:09:36
Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding Signal Selection and VPN for Multiple Models
@JaapHoutman Edit: looks like I mistyped it, I have two E4's not M4. The XE75 Pro is V2 (EU) and both the E4's are V2 (EU) as well.
Forums/ Deco
2023-10-01 09:14:56
Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding Signal Selection and VPN for Multiple Models
@David-TP Is there any way to select a manual signal source on Deco E4? I have an XE75 Pro as a main unit and 2 Deco E4 as satellite units. The E4's always connect to the main unit, I want them to...