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Forums/ Deco
2023-10-29 15:19:04
Re:Deco m5 not connecting to internet from ISP Router mode or Access Point Mode
@David-TP When i use PLDT - Deco M5 (router or AP Mode) it cant connect to internet But if PLDT - Archer C64 - Deco M5 (AP mode) only works, but router mode can't connect to Internet. I want to do is...
Forums/ Deco
2023-10-23 10:19:09
Deco m5 not connecting to internet from ISP Router mode or Access Point Mode
Hello, When i Update my deco m5 it cant access internet from PLDT fibr router/modem. Router mode or Access Point Mode But When i connect Archer C64 to PLDT and connect the Deco M5 to Archer C64 it...