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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-01-31 10:07:14
Archer AX55 not allowing VPN Client as description is always "Invalid Format"
No matter what format, hexadecimal, special characters, nothing seems to satisfy this pesky special format required for the the Description box. Helpful suggestions welcome!!
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-11-14 05:27:11
Re:EasyMesh Routers Support Building a EasyMesh Network via Ethernet Backhaul NOW
Okay, all sorted! I tried the setup using the LAN port rather than WAN & it seems to have solved the issue. All working correctly between my 2 x AX55! Super stoked with this firmware update!
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-11-14 04:12:20
Re:EasyMesh Routers Support Building a EasyMesh Network via Ethernet Backhaul NOW
@Kevin_Z the setup as per the screenshot works fine, but as soon as I plug the ethernet into the back of the satellite AX55 that's when the entire network crashes. At first I was using the WAN port,...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-11-13 09:58:26
Re:EasyMesh Routers Support Building a EasyMesh Network via Ethernet Backhaul NOW
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-11-13 09:57:14
Re:EasyMesh Routers Support Building a EasyMesh Network via Ethernet Backhaul NOW
I have successfully set up my AX55 with 2 x C64 routers with wired backhaul. I set up the 2nd AX55 the same way (having done the firmware update). When I plug in the Ethernet cable to the satellite...