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Forums/ Deco
2023-11-27 15:23:14
Re:WiFi speed nit increasing after upgrade IsP speed to 1G
@Alexandre. Thanks again. will test and see if it changes anything Much appreciated
Forums/ Deco
2023-11-27 14:17:05
Re:WiFi speed nit increasing after upgrade IsP speed to 1G
@Alexandre. Thank you again for your feedback much appreciated I think I will stick to my DecoM5 for now as I dont really notice much difference when it comes to speed over various wirless...
Forums/ Deco
2023-11-27 00:39:19
Re:WiFi speed nit increasing after upgrade IsP speed to 1G
@Alexandre. Thanks again for your reply. my main network was set to 2.4GHz I switched it to both 2.5 and 5 GHZ and my speed went up significantly As you mentioned as well, the closer I am to the main...
Forums/ Deco
2023-11-26 16:41:43
Re:WiFi speed nit increasing after upgrade IsP speed to 1G
@Alexandre. Thank you for your informative reply. I managed to get 400+ on a deco k5 guest network running on 5Ghz connection. unable to replicate that on deco M5 default WiFi network. Still getting...
Forums/ Deco
2023-11-26 01:05:53
WiFi speed nit increasing after upgrade IsP speed to 1G
Hi I am using deco M5 AC1300 I Switched my ISP provider , and upgraded my internet speed from 50mps to 1G download 100 upload. I am getting the full download and upload speed when testing through...