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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-12-12 03:30:24
Re:additional features
@Virgo i would also suggest that there is a feature that u can name the clients connected to your network for ease of tracing becoz clients can randomized thier mac adress and ip also change in dhcp.
Forums/ WiFi
2023-12-05 01:11:30
Re:no power ap mesh
@d0ugmac1 is thier posibility i can revive 225eap to a circuit repair by an individual?
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2023-12-05 01:06:51
additional features
1. clients time should also include REDUCE TIME OPTION aside from extend (due to errors we seldom shorten time of clients but to no avail you disconnect them and issue another voucher code which is...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-12-04 12:55:49
Re:blank features on remote access to omada controller
@Hank21 i cant upgrade coz its too scary, yesterday my system time is delayed, the problem is i issued to many codes for clients, my voucher time too is diferent and system start time too when u...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-12-01 03:54:40
Re:blank features on remote access to omada controller
@b4tm4n i already have my site then went into settings, i find my settings site tab blank and also wireless network blank. but when im at home my site tab has display and my wireless network too will...
Forums/ WiFi
2023-11-30 12:30:23
Re:no power ap mesh
@d0ugmac1 i have 2 eap 225 outdoor so i test first the working one to make sure poe and adapter were ok, after that ive tried plugging the damage the damage eap 225