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Forums/ Deco
2024-02-27 23:07:54
Re:XE75 and Mac Mini M2 Pro - 6GHz
In settings , advanced , I have an option ‘ dedicated backhaul’ that one is turned off in my settings. All I know is that the range of 6ghz channel isn’t as far as the 5ghz , but my Mac is about 8...
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-27 22:48:01
Re:XE75 and Mac Mini M2 Pro - 6GHz
Btw , I think you need set dedicated backhaul off , to free the 6ghz channel for a separate WiFi channel
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-27 22:43:41
Re:XE75 and Mac Mini M2 Pro - 6GHz
@troelshartmann there's a setting that lets you set up a separate 6ghz channel , at least with my deco be65. It works perfect on my m2 Mac mini. It will let you choose the regular Wifi (name) or the...
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-14 06:46:18
Re:Wrong specs
@ImtiazAli it seems they are already beginning to change the Dutch site , but it's still advertised as both 11000 and 9300😂. The shops that sell it here also copied the specs of the 11000 model. I...
Forums/ Deco
2023-12-13 14:42:52
Wrong specs
I just bought the deco be65 which is performing amazing. I bought this model after researching several deco units and this one had imo the best specs and performance. BE11000 and the new MLO tech...