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Forums/ Deco
2024-04-12 14:21:14
Re:Second main S4 deco unit fails with red light
No, doesn’t respond to reset and I can’t connect to it via firmware process. I think your assessment is correct, dead as a door nail. As an aside, it doesn’t seem like these units lasted very long,...
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-11 14:31:33
Second main S4 deco unit fails with red light
My Deco network has a combination of S4 and M5 units. Up until yesterday I had the S4 as my base station. I have now experienced two of my three S4 base station units suddenly turn red and fail to...
Stories/ Kasa Smart Switches
2023-12-21 15:55:36
Re:Create Location-Based Smart Actions with Geofencing on the Kasa App
I've tried to get the geofence to work and am not having much success. I've set it up to run a scene when I get home late, between 10:35 pm and 11:45pm. I've followed all the instructions above and...