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Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Re:Can not connect to internet with new xe75 pro
@Phurball I'm definitely no expert but I had a similar issue with my xe75s. 2 things to try 1. Make sure you reboot your router and the deco connect to it after you've connected them up. 2. I did a...
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-24 09:44:30
Re:Frequent packet drop on Deco XE75 mesh
I had a similar issue with packet drops and connectivity issues in general. Before I returned my units I downgraded to the UK 1.2.2 firmware version and everything seemed stable here. My xe75s were...
Forums/ Deco
2024-01-14 09:04:03
Re:Optimize The Overall App Experience on Deco XE5300/XE75/XE75 Pro
@SpenceW Following up from my previous post and a fair bit of searching around form info. I can say that my issues appear to have been with my v1 Deco XE75 units rather than the Pro units. I...
Forums/ Deco
2024-01-11 12:16:17
Re:Optimize The Overall App Experience on Deco XE5300/XE75/XE75 Pro
@David-TP Hi David, Thanks for this Beta update, I'm a very new XE75 user having migrated last week for a Netgear Orbi. I'm currently running 3 x XE75 and 3 x XE75 Pros. When i initially setup the...