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Forums/ Switches
2024-03-07 10:30:39
Re:Testing my Understanding of the Tagged Port to Router
@Clive_A Thanks for your kind follow up! My final follow up question on the topic. I need to know whether there is a way to disallow that untagged traffic that ended up in Vlan 666 from ever leaving...
Forums/ Switches
2024-03-06 15:57:33
Re:Testing my Understanding of the Tagged Port to Router
@Clive_A Super helpful!! I took the time to research your answers thoroughlyy and it makes sense now. 1- I have a follow up question: So let's say I wanted to create a vlan 666 and make it untagged...
Forums/ Switches
2024-03-03 15:14:48
Testing my Understanding of the Tagged Port to Router
Good day! I used a TP link guide in setting up my VLANs. The setup uses a router, a switch, and an access point connected to the switch to give wifi for vlans....
Forums/ Switches
2024-03-03 14:07:26
Re:Switch ACLs- Need tips with my Stateless ACLS
@Clive_A Thanks a lot!! Super clear, yeah I took a few more days to do further reading and based on your suggestions, I managed to set up everything:)
Forums/ Switches
2024-02-27 10:45:18
Switch ACLs- Need tips with my Stateless ACLS
Good day! I'm reaching out as I have been trying to set-up VLANS for better security and to keep IOT devices isolated from the main network. I have a TL-SG2008P version 3 switch. I'm assuming it...
Forums/ Switches
2024-02-27 10:01:05
Re:Vlan Setup- Switch Fails to Assign IPs after ACL Binding
@Clive_A Thank you!! Yup that was it, I found the problem in my acls, thanks for pointing it out.