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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2013-05-01 15:14:33
Re:Wireless dropout on the WR842ND
i solved the problem,... just start use oldest fw 3.12.22 Build 120424 Rel.39632n
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2013-04-01 07:17:09
Re:Wireless dropout on the WR842ND
*cant access web interface after 28h uptime on AP *wireless dropout after 25h on ROUTER can anyone from TP-Link respond if there will be FW update?
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2013-03-29 20:22:58
Re:Wireless dropout on the WR842ND
Hello i have 2 devices and i have the same problem with both, wireless dropout is every day, after restart router and AP work correctly for one day. -------------------------------- Region : Czech...