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Forums/ Deco
2024-04-04 15:54:39
Re:Guest WiFi no internet for wired backhaul satellites
@Alexandre. Yeah, thats a good idea. I just tested by unplugging a Satellite Deco, then connecting to it - and it worked. So it could be the switch. The switch is a Netgear G5205...
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-04 14:16:14
Re:Guest WiFi no internet for wired backhaul satellites
@Alexandre. Problem is i don't have a managed switch between the M9s, i am case 1 - which should "just work" but isn't. So i don't even get the option to set the vnet on the satellites when i try to...
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-04 08:10:06
Guest WiFi no internet for wired backhaul satellites
Same issue as reported here: https://community.tp-link.com/us/home/forum/topic/99275 wondering if this is a known issue? setup is: M9pro --wired--> M9pro x 2 all the guests I can see in the deco app...