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Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco X50_V1_1.6.4 Boosted Network Stability for Smart Home Devices
@David-TP Here’s a brief summary of Wi-Fi differences by region: United States (FCC): Uses 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and recently opened the 6 GHz band. Common channels for 2.4 GHz are 1-11. The 5 GHz band...
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-17 17:46:41
Re:Deco X50/X55_V1_1.5.0 Support WireGuard VPN, Client Speed Limit and Fixed WAN Port
@Ulbi These devices acting very strange. The update is now working from an iPhone with a WiFi Connection to a slave deco.
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-17 17:35:12
Re:Deco X50/X55_V1_1.5.0 Support WireGuard VPN, Client Speed Limit and Fixed WAN Port
@Ulbi thanks but I tried it with a LAN connection from MS Edge and Chrome. the cable was connected to a slave X50 but with a Ethernet backhaul. Maybe a connection from the laptop to the main deco...
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-17 17:28:30
Re:Deco X50/X55_V1_1.5.0 Support WireGuard VPN, Client Speed Limit and Fixed WAN Port
I am running 3x Deco X50 v1 with 1.50 build 20240222, but I can not update to any other version. The web interface says after the upload operation successful and then nothing happens i tried update...