Range Extenders
2024-04-23 18:55:24
@vb2010 Hello, I can use a laptop as a audio source and send audio through ethernet to wifi router or I can use wifi of laptop as an audio source. can you tell me which spec. you want to review...
Range Extenders
2024-04-23 13:01:18
@vb2010 Thanks for your reply, I learn about wifi extender operation, but I am asking about if I have a wireless router which boradcast Audio signal, can I use TP-Link N300 WiFi Extender to receive...
Range Extenders
2024-04-22 17:38:54
Hello, I want to use TP-Link N300 WiFi Extender to send Audio through WIFI, is it possible? How Can I receive audio on mobile, is there a specific app to receive audio? also is there a tp product to...