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Forums/ Deco
2024-05-09 10:53:02
Re:Deco X55 AX3000 - "2 Decos are offline"
@br00ky My Decos are refusing to keep the mesh together. Absolute cr@p. What can I do? They are not fit for purpose.
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-29 15:14:19
Re:Deco X55 AX3000 - "2 Decos are offline"
@br00ky Thanks. I'll try this.
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-29 09:56:22
Re:Deco X55 AX3000 - "2 Decos are offline"
@Alexandre. Thanks so much for your help. I factory reset them and now it looks like this. It's still disconnecting though.
Forums/ Deco
2024-04-29 07:31:32
Deco X55 AX3000 - "2 Decos are offline"
I'm really disappointed with my Deco Mesh. Every few days the network collapses and I see the following. I restart them all and then it's fine but I can't go on like this. Anything else I can try...