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Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2024-05-29 13:43:33
Re:Why does Kasa App not support Daylight Savings time?
@Jack64 I have used to restart the device and still the device is behind all my other wireless devices by 1hr. It is clear in the settings being UTC+5 that the configuration is not being updated. Any...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2024-05-14 19:49:18
Re:Why does Kasa App not support Daylight Savings time?
@Jack64 Hi, I am definitely connected to the internet and the App version is 3.3.651. I have set the right timezone. My Location and time zone show America/Toronto and when I go in to see the UTC...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2024-05-09 12:26:30
Why does Kasa App not support Daylight Savings time?
I have set the location correctly and my time zone should be UTC-4 right now but in the location setting for my area, it still shows UTC-5 which means my switch comes on 1 hr early then it should. I...