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Forums/ Deco
3 weeks ago
Re:Deco x20 v3.0 Access Control Feature Not Available
@David-TP please provide beta version or final version of firmware 1.2.0 for deco x20 v3.0
Forums/ Deco
3 weeks ago
Re:Deco x20 v3.0 Access Control Feature Not Available
@David-TP firmware version 1.2.0 not available for deco x20, please provide beta version link
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-24 16:42:44
Re:Deco X20 V3 firmware
@David-TP Dear sir, please tell me estimated time for launch Access Control Feature for x20 v3.
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-23 21:04:03
Re:Deco X20 V3 firmware
@David-TP David-TP wrote @JaapHoutman Hi, yes, similar features will be added to Deco X20 V3 as well. Thank you very much and best regards. When will the Access Control Feature of Deco x20 v3.0 be...
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-23 20:58:08
Re:Deco X20 V3 firmware
@JaapHoutman please give update for x20 v3.0 access control feature, like firmware version 1.2.0
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-23 20:43:14
Deco x20 v3.0 Access Control Feature Not Available
Dear Sir, Firmware version till now 1.1.8 but access control feature is not available in my deco x20 v3.0. Please give me this feature as soon as possible