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Forums/ Deco
2024-05-26 04:36:59
Re:Considering upgrade from M5 to XE75 - Will it be worthwhile?
JontyG wrote Unfortunately a wired backhaul is not an option for me. Thanks for the responses. Having looked more closely at my setup and options I've decided I'll install an ethernet backhaul...
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-26 04:21:31
Re:Considering upgrade from M5 to XE75 - Will it be worthwhile?
@raven-au thanks for your reply. I have coax I to NBN box, which connects via ethernet to my AR1600V modem/router. I'm with iinet. Don't have phone services configured, but do use dynamic DNS and...
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-24 12:32:54
Re:Considering upgrade from M5 to XE75 - Will it be worthwhile?
@Alexandre. Thanks for your reply. I'm in Australia, where our Internet speeds are not great. My actual Internet speed is ~250 - 270Mbps, which is what I'm recording at main unit, and what Deco...
Forums/ Deco
2024-05-24 00:33:12
Considering upgrade from M5 to XE75 - Will it be worthwhile?
Hi, I currently have a 3 satellite M5 system. Using Ookla Speedtest, I am measuring speeds of ~250Mbps at the main satellite, ~100Mps at the next satellite, and ~50Mps at the farthest satellite. I...