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Forums/ WiFi
2017-06-22 10:33:49
Re:Controller doesn't see EAP245
What i mean is, my firewall appliance does not care about traffic between devices on my LAN. It only has a policy to perform it's duty on traffic in to my network, i.e. unauthorized exterior access....
Forums/ WiFi
2017-06-22 03:22:10
Re:Controller doesn't see EAP245
R1D2 wrote There you have it (you probably meant LAN to WAN?). Either allow traffic from LAN to LAN or open at least the following ports for the system running the EAP controller: UDP port 29810, TCP...
Forums/ WiFi
2017-06-21 21:22:54
Re:Controller doesn't see EAP245
R1D2 wrote Try the TP-Link Discovery Tool to configure the EAPs: If this works, your Windows system did prevent automatic discovery of the EAPs for some reason. That's normal, Windows always makes...
Forums/ WiFi
2017-06-21 09:46:20
Re:Controller doesn't see EAP245
Thanks, but still no luck. I just reset all three to factory settings, and despite giving each access point a Static IP of,, and, my computer running the Controller, on...
Forums/ WiFi
2017-06-19 10:23:37
Re:Controller doesn't see EAP245
AHA! Thank you. That makes more sense. I thought out of the box the APs would be seen immediately by the controller software! Thank you very much.
Forums/ WiFi
2017-06-17 07:58:35
Controller doesn't see EAP245
Model : Hardware Version : Firmware Version : ISP : I purchased 3 EAP245 access points and have them connected to a TP Link Unmanaged POE+ 8 port switch. The switch is connected to my core network...