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Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco S7 1.5.0 Supports Connection Preference, IOT Network, WPA3 and More
@David-TP It's similar to this: The wireless devices are connected, but internet connectivity is very slow or barely exist. The wifi takes me to google page and then it stops there and keeps loading...
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco S7 1.5.0 Supports Connection Preference, IOT Network, WPA3 and More
@David-TP ISP: Claro IPv6 connection: Dynamic IP My ISP modem is in bridge and direct connected to the TP-Link Deco S7 through Ethernet cable. The router was working flawlessly before the update....
Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Deco S7 1.5.0 Supports Connection Preference, IOT Network, WPA3 and More
@David-TP I've got a pop-up on my smartphone asking me to update to this new firmware version. After updating it, I started having connection problems and realized that the IPv6 was not working...