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Forums/ Deco
13 minutes ago
Re:Deco X20-4G looses Internet connection
@Spennis Hi We certainly appreciate all your feedback and feature request(s) here. While we don't have any specific details that I can share around if reboot schedule feature can come to all the...
Forums/ Deco
41 minutes ago
Re:connecting deco directly to ISP
@bitfield Hi Deco acts similarly to a router but cannot replace the optical modem. It's best to get in touch with your internet service provider directly to find out if the converter may take the...
Forums/ Deco
3 hours ago
Re:How do I limit everyone's uploads and downloads to 10mb?
@DDECO Hi Currently, Deco does not support limiting the bandwidth of specific clients. Thank you for posting on the TP-Link community, and we certainly appreciate all your feedback and feature...
Forums/ Deco
3 hours ago
Re:Downgrade Firmware Deco X60 v3,2 for v2
@Rodrigo_Bicego Hi V2 and V3 are Deco's hardware versions and cannot be downgraded. Only the firmware version can be downgraded or upgraded. If you bought Deco new, it is recommended that you contact...
Forums/ Deco
3 hours ago
Re:How to connect Alexa
@Aloysius1180 Hi Currently X20 V2 1.2.4 is the latest firmware. You could go to the APP to check the firmware.
Forums/ Deco
3 hours ago
Re:Constant internet disconnection after updating Deco M5 to firmware Deco M5(CA)_V2_1.7.4
@wolf30 Hi 1.7.4 was released around January. Did you upgrade to 1.7.4 just two days ago? It is recommended that you downgrade all Decos (not only main Deco) to 1.7.2 to see if the problem occurs...