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Forums/ Feature Request (Others)
a week ago
Re:VR2100 error 9812
@Marvin_S Thank you very much for your support. I use TP TAPO bulbs and switches for home devices and I like them to have a fixed IP address. Unfortunately, there are a lot of devices around the...
Forums/ Feature Request (Others)
a week ago
Re:VR2100 error 9812
@TomasRajz Would it not be possible to increase the number of devices? Because 32 doesn't seem like much to me these days.
Forums/ Feature Request (Others)
a week ago
VR2100 error 9812
Hello, I would need to increase the number of MAC address reservations. Now there are only 32 and it reports error 9812, would it be possible to somehow increase the number to at least 80 devices....