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Forums/ Range Extenders
2024-11-04 15:52:23
Re:RE450 connection interruptions with certain bandwith
a quick update on the topology - (1) main router getting fiber WAN connection with DHCP on. (2) is the RE450 connected via 2.4GH mode and is getting great reception and by itself works awesome. (3)...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2024-10-23 07:44:27
Re:RE450 connection interruptions with certain bandwith
@Sunshine still connected to the wifi with no network, and its across the whole network, main and extended and the one thats connected via ethernet. The lights dont change at all, all "green"
Forums/ Range Extenders
2024-10-19 08:43:08
RE450 connection interruptions with certain bandwith
Since purchase, the extender started having random disconnects from the internet on the whole network, but ONLY when i have the ethernot port connected to another device, i tried swithing the cable,...