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Forums/ Deco
2024-11-20 23:54:31
Re:New Adjustment to the 6 GHz Discovery Mechanism on Deco
@David-TP I think the main issue I have is related to IoT devices constantly losing connection. These are all set up on the separate IoT 2Ghz network. I also feel like the 6Ghz band specifically is...
Forums/ Deco
2024-11-19 22:29:42
Re:New Adjustment to the 6 GHz Discovery Mechanism on Deco
@David-TP I currently have two XE70Pro (3.0) on version 1.2.11 and three XE5300 (2.0) on version 1.2.9. Wondering if any of the beta firmwares are available for those as I've been having a lot of...