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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-11-28 20:14:38
Re:Easy ... One ... Mesh
Možno sa zle opýtam, ale neviem ináč, dobre pre AX90 použijem BETA firmware, bude plne podporovať OneMesh, internet od poskytovateľa zapojím do AX90 do portu WAN, a z AX90 LAN1 (napríklad) pripojím v...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-11-27 18:46:31
Easy ... One ... Mesh
Good day, I want to ask, I have 2 routers, AX90 and AX53, the AX53 router supports Mesh and the AX90 router does not, so when is the firmware with this support planned for my AX90??? Or how can I...