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Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Re:Deco X50-5G continually disconnecting from internet
I’m going to downgrade from the beta software I was sent (which hasn’t helped) and try this. I know I can see O2-PAYG as one of the carrier options so I’ll give it a go.
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Re:Deco X50-5G continually disconnecting from internet
I am seeing 100% CPU frequently but not all the time. I don’t think I can see any temperature warnings in the logs. What did yours read? I’m curious if you’ve had the same issue I have of being...
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Re:Deco X50-5G continually disconnecting from internet
@David-TP yes, the light does turn red. I have upgraded to the beta firmware sent to me. Unfortunately it is still happening. I did not take a screenshot during the outage but I do remember that...
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Deco X50-5G continually disconnecting from internet
I recently switched from an Archer MR600 to a Deco X50-5G. After working perfectly for the first couple of weeks, I'm now experiencing internet drop outs throughout the day. My ISP is O2. My 5G...