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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Re:Archer BE230 / BE3600 compatible witch DS-Lite?
@Kevin_Z yes, without the fritzbox: ONT with cable to the WAN-Port of the BE230 [Update: okay, I received an email of you, so I answer that] I can't find your email adress, so the screenshot...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Re:Archer BE230 / BE3600 compatible witch DS-Lite?
@woozle Unfortunatly there is no DS-Lite-Option for the connection: With this IPv6 setup the connection works, but only for ping -6 (timeout with ping -4) With IPv6 set to PPPoE, the internet...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Re:Archer BE230 / BE3600 compatible witch DS-Lite?
Yes, you're right, wouldn't be no thing if internet works. My problem is, that I only get an ipv6 and no ipv4 with this router. My ISP provide ipv4 through ipv6 and I can't find the right setup in...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
a week ago
Archer BE230 / BE3600 compatible witch DS-Lite?
Hello community, is the BE230 compatible with the German DS-Lite? I can connect to the internet with ipv6 but can't find any setup for tunnelling or sth. else. Steve